Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well here we are and another Thanksgiving is about to wrap up and now we are going to dive into the Christmas season head on.  Some of us will be up early to find the best door busters at Walmart or Target, some of us will sleep late and enjoy a long weekend and still others will have to trudge back to the workplace tomorrow to complete the work week.  Whatever your plans, it is now the official kickoff of Christmas and Hanukkah otherwise known as the "holidays" and as always, I am just as excited as if I were still a kid.

This year we decided to have Thanksgiving at my brother's house with my parents, my sister IL's parents and brother and her siser IL, plus all the kiddos.  My brother made his first turkey and it was one of the best I've ever tasted...juicy and full of flavor.  We did the mid-day Thanksgiving meal and by 3:30pm my hubby and the kids were back home and sacked out in front of the TV.  I finally had to give it up and take a short nap after all of the turkey enzymes kicked in.

Thanksgiving this year has been more than just Turkey and hanging out with my family.  Each day I have tried to reflect on the important things in my life and I have chronicled them in my Facebook status updates.  Some of these things have been the obvious things that all of us tend to be thankful for like family and friends and other things have been less obvious or maybe things that we take for granted because they are so common such as clean water.  Big and small there are so many things I have been blessed with and I think that a little part of each and every day should be dedicated to giving thanks for those things.  Thanksgiving should not be limited to one time every year.

This year I have been blessed with the gift of healing, not of my physical body but of my "heart".  I feel that my heart has been changed in such an amazing way and that my spirit has been lifted up to a new place.  There is an awakening in my spiritual life that each day is being strengthened.  There have been positive influences that have been put in my path as well as new connections with other believers who have had similar experiences in there life journey as I have had.  That feeling of not being alone in my struggles has been encouraging and I am so happy that God has put those people in my path.

One of the most important things I have learned is that I don't have to live a life based on what has happened in the past.  I am more than the poor choices I have made in the past.  What I can be in the future is so much more than all of that because I am constantly renewed.  What a blessing to be forgiven and live in the light as opposed to the desperation of darkness that can often overcome one's life when you don't seek the light.  Also a live lived in fear and doubt is not much of a life so I am seeking to overcome weakness that comes with those toxic elements.

As the day comes to an end I just want to give thanks once again for my family, friends and all that I have been blessed with.  This year I feel loved and have more love to give than I remember ever having.  I'm looking forward to the holidays with the anticipation of opportunity to share more special time with my kids, my husband, parents and close friends.  Also I am looking forward to connecting in the spiritual sense with others and yes also with the Lord.  I feel him making a real difference in my life and that truly is a reason to celebrate.

Happy Holidays to everyone, may your prayers be answered and your blessings be many.  May the light shine in your path and the darkness shrink away.  And let love be your answer, because love is of God and to know love is also to know him.  God is love...God is love...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday Minute

*Favorite 80s flick?
"The Outsiders"

*One genre of music needs to be banned. Which genre?
Banned, isn't that a little harsh? I don't like Kidz Bop, so if I have to pick - I pick Kidz Bop.

*All time favorite candy?

*How 'flawed' is your driving record?
No points

*What was high school mascot?
Um, Bulldogs, Bison and Tigers (I went to three different high schools)

and finally

What color socks are you wearing?
I'm not wearing any.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Yeah, It Pours...

You know the old saying that "When it rains, it pours"...meaning that when you have bad luck, you have really bad luck. Well, I believe that can be applied to the terrible couple of weeks I have been having. First I was sick, after we came home from the beach, then we realized we were going to be behind on several large bills. I made arrangements for those bills, realizing that we were going to barely scrape by this month and then Sunday a week ago my car stops running. That's when I knew comes the rain.

Thank goodness my car wasn't a difficult fix and it helps to have family close by who are willing to step up. But as soon as I started feeling a sense of relief, the A/C in the house stops working. All I can think is what the mess? Another hot hot hot week and we don't have anything but fans, which do little to alleviate the humidity. Add to it, I think I am getting sick again.

We called in the A/C repairman who says we will probably need to replace the whole unit. That's going to cost a lot of money, which we do not have right now. Our credit isn't so hot since we have been behind on bills so we won't be financing anything either. What I think might have to happen is for us to get a window unit until we can save up the money for a new A/C which will need to be replaced before the winter so we can also run the heat pump. Otherwise we will have to use the wood stove.

It's times like these I get very discouraged and I wonder...what next? My marriage and relationships with my kids suffer. I feel like I am just barely holding it together. It's also very difficult to let go and put it all in the Lord's hands, that he is going to take care of us just like he has in the past. Somehow we always find our way through hard times and I don't believe that we do it all alone. It's times like these I feel the need to lift up prayers for my own patience and sanity so that I may make it through these rough patches.

That doesn't mean that I can just sit back and do nothing. As a matter of fact I think that doing nothing is unhealthy and only worsens the problems with feeling helpless and depressed. I need to actively search for opportunities to help myself. Feel free to send prayers and blessings our way, and if you know of anyone who has a working window unit they would like to donate or sell for a low price, by all means let me know.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Goes Around Comes Around

Or...Thankyou Kharma

As I was sitting here reading through some of my favorite blogs and pondering what I should write this morning, I stumbled across an article written by a blogger who was describing her vacation and all the many hours spent in the car with her kids. It reminded me of my childhood and the never ending trips in the car, at least once a summer, in the middle of July to Mississippi.

Boy did my brother and I drive my parents completely nuts.

How did we do that? Besides, the fighting, which is a given anytime you have two or more children in a car, we had several other activities that were amusing to us, but not so amusing to my parents. One of the things that we thought was particularly funny was taking our finger and touching the back of our throat to trigger the gag reflex. It sounds gross but we thought it was pretty darn funny watching each other gag. Thank goodness we never threw up doing that.

For some reason smells were a big deal on those long 12+ hour rides through the heart of nowhere Alabama. There's nothing like a bad smell to get everyone all stirred up. Recently my step-daughter put on some kind Twilight lotion in my car and I instantly figured out how my dad must have felt when I chewed Hubba Bubba grape bubble gum in the car. At least those smells are sweet, even if they are sickening. My brother emitted odors that would choke a horse.

Now that I am a momma, we have our own family trips. Lately I haven't been brave enough to make that long drive to Mississippi to see my grandparents but it is coming. Driving across town is bad enough though. 20 minutes in the car with my kids is equal to at least one hour.

To a child, their "side of the car" is sacred territory. My kids are no exception. If any body part from one child enters into the other child's territory, then all heck brakes loose. It usually ends up in fighting and screaming, then more screaming by me or results in pulling over and trying to calm down everyone including myself.

Recently, my husband and I have enacted the counting system...this system is used by parents everywhere. With some children it works and with others it doesn't but with my two youngest it gets their attention. My husband uses the counting pops system, where he just starts counting how many spankings the kids are going to get. My parents also used this system on my brother and I. As far as I can tell that system didn't work out too well. For the most part, kids are going to be kids and no amount of physical pain can change the fact that they are children. However scaring the poop out of them might dissuade them from fighting for about five minutes.

So one of the "truths" about parenthood, I've found to be relevant to my life is "What goes around comes back around"... or in other words, your kids will be as annoying or even more annoying than you were to your parents. You will not realize how much of a pain in the gluteus maximus that you were until you are a parent yourself and you start to relive those moments through a parental perspective.

The good news parents survived it and there's a huge possibility that I will too. And if Kharma is what she is, then my kids will live long enough to have children of their own to drive them even more crazy than they are making me.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Stir Crazy

Since I have gotten home from our beach trip I have found myself feeling more cooped up than usual. Sure, we have been going to the Rush at least every other day but the max amount of time per day the kids can spend in kid care is 1.5 hours and let's face it, there is only so much working out I can do. Also, it has been so hot that we haven't felt like being outside. While we were at the beach at least we had the hotel pools and the great Atlantic pool to jump in. I've found myself wondering what kinds of activities that we can do for free or for cheap around here, because staying at home watching Spongebob and playing video games is turning our brains to mush.

The field trips to Wal Mart aren't cutting it. I need to come up with some other fun things for my kids and I to do until the weather allows us to spend more time outside at the park or zoo. If money weren't an issue I would love to join a pool. Having one in the yard is way too much work and I know the job of cleaning the pool and keeping it up would be mine alone. It is hard to get help doing anything around the house - looks like that is and will always be my job.

I'm also thinking about Winter because before you know it, I will trade my dislike of very hot weather to contempt for freezing cold weather. Or we might have a period where all it does is precipitate and the yard turns into a swampy mess. So any good ideas from all you super moms won't go to waste. Yes, I am soliciting help from anyone who will volunteer it.

Below is my short list, and my plea for everyone reading my blog is for you guys to comment with some of your great ideas. I know a lot of you have children at home or used to have children that you stayed home with on a daily basis.

The public library - I've thought about looking into what they have going on. I know they used to have story time.

Dollar Movie - unfortunately I don't know of one that is open during the daytime, but it would be nice to take the kids to a cheap movie during the day. Even a matinee sometime at the regular theater is a good idea when we have more cash.

McDonalds Play Place - good for at least an hour of air conditioned fun. Sometimes we just get milkshakes or ice cream. They have WiFi too so I can take the DSI or my laptop when I get a battery that will hold a charge.

The Children's Museum - my mom recommended I look into this. Does anyone local to the NC Triad know anything about this and is it fun?

Like I mentioned it is a short list. I would also like some ideas for outside activities local to NC. Between now and when school starts would be a good time for a day trip somewhere that is small child friendly - some things have too many age or height requirements so until the kids are a little older, theme parks are out, besides I wouldn't like to take them to crowded places without another adult. I'm also little nervous about doing the mountains alone...but maybe a state park with a pool or something like that would be interesting.

Help! We are going STIR CRAZY!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Is it FALL Yet?

Seriously dear readers, I hate this hot heat. Now that I am back from our summer vacation, I am completely over this season already. The only times in my life when I remember being this uncomfortable during the summer are when I was pregnant. Actually, the last time I think it was this hot was when I was pregnant with my last child. That was four years ago...and I ended up finishing that summer off in the Antipartum unit at Forsyth Medical Center. So, I guess I shouldn't complain too loudly because things could be worse...and nothing really stinks much worse than being laid up in the hospital.

Our vacation was GLORIOUS!!! I love love love North Myrtle Beach SC. We stayed at the Wyndham on Ocean Blvd. That place is huge. We were on the first floor, ocean front and the infinity pool was right beside our room. The weather was a little iffy - it rained most every afternoon. However, we got plenty of fun in the SC sun in for the week.

Now, my parents have been in this timeshare thing for years and years already. This is the fourth year that we have spent at the N. Myrtle property. They are GOLD members, whatever that means. They have to go and sit in some kind of meeting every year and try not to spend more money. This year, thank goodness, they didn't buy into the whole new property scheme. BUT they did get six free adult tickets to Ripley's Aquarium, so guess where we went for a family outing?

The day we went to the aquarium, it was hot and threatening thunderstorms. The line to get tickets was very long. We had to get tickets for the kids before we went in and so started the waiting in line. OMG I forgot how much I hate lines and strangers....lots and lots of strangers.

After about 30 minutes we finally get to enter the Aquarium. This place is large and it was wall to wall people in lines everywhere. I could already tell that this was going to be very difficult. I will tell you that I did manage to get through it but I was constantly worried that I was going to lose one of the kids. Several of the areas where we had to walk were very dark and it was hard to see at times.

It has been a while since I have had to deal with "the public" and I had forgotten how many rude people are just walking the earth needing me to smack them. There was this one jerk who got irritated because people were taking pictures of their kids in front of the the fish exhibits. He actually said (I am censoring for those of you with sensitive ears like myself) "F-ing people taking F-ing pictures, I don't care...I push them F-ing out of the way." Of course he said this when passing me and I was one of the "F-ing" picture takers. Oh my word, I wanted to tell him that if that kind of thing annoyed him that he was for sure in the wrong place. You don't go to a tourist attraction and expect people to not be taking pictures of their children. Sure he meant for me to hear it passive aggressive is that?

Despite having to stand behind this one lady who was filming the jelly fish for about five minutes and wouldn't move out of my kids way, a guy who kept encroaching into my personal space while we were standing on the moving sidewalk, and having to literally drag my kids through a gigantic gift store full of flashy noisy things because that is the way you have to go to get to the exit, I really enjoyed the whole Aquarium attraction. That being said, I will never go back during the busy summer season if ever again.

Now that I am back home, and have been for a week now...By the way, I would have written this blog sooner but our whole house got sick with a mysterious sinus cold that thankfully came after our trip and not before. So, I have been hot, sick and super ready for the leaves to turn red and gold and start falling off the trees. Bring on the Fall....Bring it!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Thinkable or Unthinkable?

Yesterday my husband and I, rented the movie Unthinkable from one of the Red Box vending machines that are scattered all over town. Since watching this movie I have been pondering the main thought of the movie (warning spoiler alert) which is this. Is it wrong or "unthinkable" for our government to use necessary force, torture or even a terrorist's wife and children as means to get information? I suspect that my own conclusions may not be popular ones, but I have to ask myself honestly what is most important to me...and it is hard to choose between someone's civil liberties and that lives of many US citizens.

In this movie, Samuel L Jackson, is the character "H" who is evidently a "black-ops" interrogator who has clearance from the highest authority to obtain information regarding three nuclear bombs from a surrendered terrorist. His methods are brutal and raise questions of what is right and wrong in the name of national security and saving millions of lives.

Let me back up for a moment and get a little deeper into the storyline. It is one that I am sure our government is concerned would happen in real life. An American Muslim named Yusef has obtained nuclear materials from Russia and has made a tape in which he shows three locations. He says that there are three nuclear bombs in major cities in the US. Yusef is captured and a countdown begins, the FBI and "H" have three days to find the bombs and save these cities from destruction. "H" is told he has control over how much torture and how far to go for whatever means it takes to break Yusef. Yusef is determined not to break and "H" decides, in the last hour to bring in the wife and children. "H", in desperation, ends up cutting Yusef's wife's throat and then actually convinces the higher ups to let him bring the children into the torture chamber and while Yusef watches he cuts out the lights and begins to "process" the screaming children.

At this point I was on the edge of my seat. I had to ask myself, could this really happen in real life? Would our government use someone's children against them to save the lives of thousands of other children and adults? Is it ok to do that? Would I stop this from happening if I were in a position where I could. Then I shuddered as I started thinking about my own kids and my family.

The answer in the end is very disturbing. I was left with a feeling that YES, they needed to allow H to use the children against the terrorist Yusef, because there was information that could have saved thousands of lives maybe millions. Let me point out that this was my feeling, not that it is the right or wrong answer here. I don't even know He didn't end up hurting the children, but you didn't know they wouldn't and that was the point. However, they made a grave error in thinking that they got the answers they needed by using the children. Perhaps they didn't go far enough - I was left with that too.

So what is your opinion?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hemp & Beaded Jewelry

Some of my new hobbies, beads and hemp... Here are a few of the bracelets I am making. I love these.
These are made using large wooden beads, smaller seed beads and some interesting beads that I think are made out of some kind of resin.
Haha! It's hemp, let's make pretties!!!
Not sure when I will be putting some of these on Etsy, I have to take some better pictures.


Monday, June 28, 2010

It's Summertime and it is HOT!

Hello blog friends, it seems I have not blogged in over a week. Shame on me. In my defense, I have been busy with the kids and last week was VBS. So it was VBS in the mornings and working outat the Rush in the evenings. I have also been making hemp jewelry and beaded bracelets to sell on Etsy (pictures to come). The arrival of summertime has also brought with it some HOT weather here in the Piedmont of NC so we have been suffering through the on again off again functioning of the air conditioner in my Volvo.

My attempt to lose weight and look better is still ongoing. My abs are finally starting to shape up really well. My husband and I have been doing ab excercises all last week together and he has showed me one floor excercise using a medicine ball and balancing on your rear with knees off the floor moving it from side to side. This really works the core out and I am seeing results....Woot Woot. And I also was able to button a pair of jeans I have been wanting to wear again. While I have resigned myself to not having lost all of the weight I had planned on using, I am happy with my results so far and I am still committing myself to keep up my workout regimen.

Last week I took my kids to VBS Monday through Thursday. I know some of you are rolling your eyes thinking about how your parents used to drag you kicking and screaming to the church building for a whole week during the summer and I too used to think the same negative thoughts whenever VBS was even mentioned. BUT, boy and girls has VBS changed, at least from what I used to suffer through as a kid. OK, ok I say that jokingly, because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings...but seriously we never had a smoke machine, bubbles, cool videos of songs with dance/hand moves and prizes. I think the most we ever did was sing some songs, maybe "If you're Happy and you Know It" was the most exciting it ever got. Which is not saying a whole lot. The adults did such a great job of decorating the church and making it fun for the kids. I had no problem getting them to get up early and go to church for a few hours, which is difficult at best on Sundays. I'm so happy for change especially when it is uplifting and exciting.

Oh and VBS was in the mornings and unlike old school VBS did not require the parents to attend some kind of adult VBS so after dropping the kids off I had a rare few hours of alone time. I will be eternally grateful for that too. Only a mother can appreciate shopping without kids whining and screaming or fighting the whole time.

Our beach trip is coming soon. I am really looking forward to it. One way I am hoping to make a little cash to spend at the beach or have when we return is selling some hand made jewelry on Etsy. I am going to begin listing it hopefully today and there will be pictures and links so take a look. Some of these pieces I really like so much I want to keep them for myself, but if I want to keep this hobby alive I will also have to make enough money to buy supplies to make more. So far I am experimenting with beaded jewelry and hemp. I think hemp is summery in style and looks great with bathing suits and sun dresses. I've had so much fun picking out my beads and trying to find new patterns, knots and techniques for making this type of jewelry. It is definately more laid back and youthful looking. I think some of the nicer pieces can be dressed up though with the right outfit. Anyway more coming about that.

OK, well it seems everyone has finally made it out of bed this morning so I need to get motivated and back into our regularly scheduled Monday. You guys have a great day and stay hydrated because as I mentioned earlier, it is HOT...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wednesday Wickedness

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Wickedness. We are like other memes in that we will ask you ten questions each and every Wednesday. But our little "twist" is that each week we will pick a famous person and pick ten of their quotes. Each of our questions will be based on the quotes. Got it? Great! Let's begin this week's meme!

Today we picked Bruce Springsteen. Here's Wednesday Wickedness!

1. “When it comes to luck, you make your own.” Do you believe you have that type of control over your luck? Not really. It wouldn't be called luck if we were able to control it...duh!!!

2. “You've got to learn to live with what you can't rise above.” What is something you have had difficulty rising above? Ugh, having to deal with my oldest son's father. I'd just assume not deal with all of his drama.

3. “Poor men wanna be rich, rich men wanna be kings, and a king ain’t satisfied till he rules everything.” Would you want to be rich? Of course...but if it never happens I will try to be happy with all the blessings I already have.

4. “The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with.” Tell us about a song that helps you "face the world." It's Five O'clock Somewhere by Alan Jackson

5. “In America everything's about who's number one today.” Have you ever been a fan of someone you thought would last but turned out to be a flash in the pan? No because I am pretty right on with what is going to last and what is not.

6. “Is a dream a lie if it don't come true, or is it something worse?” Has any dream of yours come true? Yes, several times.

7. “Our American government has strayed too far from American values. It is time to move forward. The country we carry in our hearts is waiting.” What would you change if you became the president? I think we see what happens when certain presidents promise so much "change"... Americans will have to change themselves because we can obviously see that no one leader is going to do it for all of us.

8. "Yeah, I had gay friends. The first thing I realized was that everybody's different, and it becomes obvious that all of the gay stereotypes are ridiculous." How do you feel about gay rights? I think people have the right to be gay if they want...however this is one of those questions that I feel I am not the best person to answer. Being a heterosexual, I cannot imagine how it is to be gay or have someone hate me or treat me differently because of my sexual preference.

9. " It's a sad man my friend who's living in his own skin and can't stand the company." Have you ever been disappointed in yourself? Oh boy and how.

10. "The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with." What's your favorite type of music? What's your favorite band? I love many different types of music. One of my favorite artists is the late Bob Marley. His music and lyrics still have meaning today as they did decades ago.

Thanks for checking out our Wednesday craziness. We hope you join us again. Please visit our other player's posts and make a comment. Join us next week for our next meme!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Getting to Know You

Getting to know YOU

1. If you could have one of Superman's, powers which one would you want? Superhuman strength..Flight..Superhuman speed..X-Ray vision..etc
Superhuman Speed, so that I could get anything and everything done...imagine being able to clean the whole house and do the laundry in like 10 seconds.

2. The best thing I ever won is....?
I never EVER win anything. Why do I keep buying lottery tickets? One time when I was a kid, I called a radio station to request a song. I was the 107th caller or whatever and won a Miami Vice album. Yes, a vinyl record with the Miami Vice soundtrack on it. Yay me!

3. Have you ever skyped with a bloggy friend?

4. What is your favorite Summer month?
June, because by the time July and August gets here I am already tired of the hot weather.

5. Pool, Lake, or Ocean?
Ocean, but not to swim in. I'd rather be at the beach, plus there are pools to swim in at the hotel so BONUS!

6. One of my favorite Summer memories is.....?
Going to the beach when I was 20 with my whole family, my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. That year I drove my Volks Wagon and got to do a lot of fun stuff independently of my parents.

7. What's your favorite secret bargain?
Since we have 6 people in and out of the house, I'd have to say anything that I can find on sale and freeze.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Third Day - Revelation

Hey, have you ever been listening to a song that is really cool and realize that it is a Christian rock song? Well, Third Day kind of hit me that way. Not that I am complaining.

Just want to share this with all my friends who are into music and those of you who are Christians will probably love it. Hey, I am an equal opportunity you guys that aren't into Jesus, I'll invite you to have a peek as well but I want to warn you that despite the rock and roll sound, this band is a Christian rock band. So please don't hate on me - the message is one that I believe will inspire some that really need a dose of inspiration today.

Give me REVELATION...because I want it and need it.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday Wickedness

From a new meme called Wednesday Wickedness...check it!

"Hi and welcome to Wednesday Wickedness. We are like other memes in that we will ask you ten questions each and every Wednesday. But our little "twist" is that each week we will pick a famous person and pick ten of their quotes. Each of our questions will be based on the quotes. Got it? Great! Let's begin this week's meme!"

Today we picked Frank Sinatra. Here's Wednesday Wickedness!

1. “I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.” How often do you drink alcohol? Dr. Oz says that it is good to drink a glass of any type of alcohol every day because the ethanol is good for you. That being said, I have a hard time just having one drink so maybe every day is not the best. However, I do enjoy glass or two of wine three or so times a week. ;-)

2. “The best revenge is massive success.” Have you ever gloated or wanted to over success? Why yes, I have gloated over successes. However, I believe the best revenge is to be left up to God or the universe or whatever. Kharma is a what? You know that's right!

3. “You gotta love livin', baby, 'cause dyin' is a pain in the [butt].” What do enjoy most about your life? I love my husband, my children, my family, my friends, good food, good drink and being spiritually filled. That being said, I live life as if each day might be the very last. Always making sure to tell the one's I love that I love them and doing my best never to go to bed angry.

4. “I'm not one of those complicated, mixed-up cats. I'm not looking for the secret to life.... I just go on from day to day, taking what comes.” Do you ever overthink a situation in your life?
I could have not said it better...I am not complicated at all. However, I think there are times when I actually get stuck on a situation and fall into the trap of obsessing over a problem. However, I am striving to let things go...and not get so uptight about stuff. Everything will pass.

5. “I would like to be remembered as a man who had a wonderful time living life, a man who had good friends, fine family - and I don't think I could ask for anything more than that, actually.” Tell us about your best friend. I actually have several people I consider to be "best friends". My husband, my friend since jr. high, Amy, and my mom round out the top three...not in any particular order...LOL. Something similar about all of my best friends is that they are all strong figures in my life...people who I look up to and admire. They know me and love me for who I am and we all laugh and cry together on a regular basis. Also people who I can tell just about anything in most cases without feeling judged. There are a few other people who I consider best friends or life long friends and you know who you are and this applies to those people as well.

6. “I like intelligent women. When you go out, it shouldn't be a staring contest.” How important is intelligence when picking (or having picked) a s/o to you? Very important...but lets not confuse being a nerd with being smart. You don't have to be a rocket scientist but it is nice to be able to enjoy an intellectual conversation IMO. I hate it when people try to talk over my head as well. It is the well rounded individual who impresses me more than simply having brains. Plus, it helps if they are charming and handsome...LOL.

7. “I drink to the confusion of our enemies.” What's the closest situation that you've had to dealing with an enemy? There are too many times I have had confrontations in my life... Once I slapped a girl in fifth grade who would not let me use the crayons. That being said, I have a short temper and do not deal well with angry people.

8. “Orange is the happiest color.” What's your favorite color? Well it is not orange...LOL. I like red, black, purple and blue.

9. “Dare to wear the foolish clown face.” Are you ever a clown? No way...clowns are scary. Have you ever seen "It"?

10. “Don't get even, get mad.” Have you ever tried getting even? It's better to let people reep what they sow. Most of the time they will get back way more than I can ever dish out.

Thanks for checking out our Wednesday craziness. We hope you join us again. Please visit our other player's posts and make a comment. Join us next week for our next meme!

Super Stoked

It will be exactly one month from today that we embark on our long awaited summer vacation. If all goes as planned I will be well on my way to the beach with all of my family, including mom, dad, Ian and Laura and their kids on the 9th of July. This is our annual beach trip to N Myrtle beach SC, which has become a sort of family tradition.

This year I had hoped to lose 20 lbs before our beach trip. Despite the fact that I am looking better and have really strengthened my core, I have not dropped that 20lbs yet. This is frustrating as I have worked out every day except for three in the past two months since I joined the gym. I have made an effort to change my diet and eat more chicken and fish instead of red meat and pork. The plain truth is that this is going to take more time and I may still be wearing the "mom" bathing suit this year.

Oh, but don't think for one minute that I will quit or that I am in any way going to back off. Now I am more determined to "kick it up a notch" as my favorite chef Emeril would say. I'm increasing my cardio workouts to 40 - 60 minutes a day keeping my heart rate in the fat burning zone. Oh and I am going to sacrifice even more in my diet - which doesn't mean I am not going to eat but it does mean that there are certain things I haven't given up yet. What I figured was that when I wanted this weight loss bad enough I would give up those unhealthy things. Here we are at that point...and now it will get very interesting.

Perhaps with a little more weight loss this month and a killer tan, I will ROCK the "mom" bathing suit at the beach instead of simply hiding under it. Now I must go charge my ipod and get ready for some workout time.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Getting to Know You

Getting to know YOU

1. If a person has a booger in their nose. and you can see it, do you tell them? If it were a close friend or family member yes. If it is a random someone no.
2. What are you passionate about? Life, I like to live each day as passionately as possible.
3. How long have you been blogging? I've been writing first on Myspace and then Facebook for several years. Now I have this blog which has only been up for about a month.
4. What is your favorite "summer" drink? Well most of the time I drink water, especially during the summer because it is important to stay hydrated. Of course a cold beer is nice every once in a while.
5. What is your favorite type of music? Rock and especially electric guitar.
6. Something I do before I go to bed is......? Kiss my husband goodnight.
7. My Summer vacation plans are...? Going to the beach in JULY and it can't get here fast enough.
8. My favorite must have, can't live without, beauty product is? Lipstick

Friday, June 4, 2010

Zachary and His Mof (Moth)

Zachary caught a new moth. He calls it Mof. Every few days or so he finds a new creature to befriend. We have some rather large moths around here. Anyway, I took some pictures of Zachary and his new Mof buddy.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Let It Be....or NOT!

"There will be an answer Let It Be...." The Beatles

Life is, at times, pretty messed up but I guess it could be a lot worse. I have much to be thankful for and really need to sit back and take deep breaths and just like the song says "Let it be..." But I really need a good cleansing RANT today...yes let's talk.

My youngest children have been screaming and whining much more than I ever thought was possible. Even driving across town is nearly impossible without a fight breaking out in the back seat over a silly Happy Meal toy.

OK, my ADD kicked in and we have to discuss this right NOW...What is so Happy about a Happy Meal anyway? I mean, it doesn't make me happy. They cost too much and all you get is a crappy plastic junk toy that ends up cluttering up the house even worse than it already is. Oh and I have decided to just buy chicken nuggets off the dollar menu from now on. When I was a kid my parents didn't buy us Happy Meals every week. We ate our peas, and sometimes I swallowed them like pills with my tea because I hated them so bad.

Speaking of feeding my costs a FORTUNE. And they are always hungry. Always....I feel like I am a slave in my own kitchen. My kids march around the house chanting "HUNGRY, Hungry, HUNGRY!" like little heatherns. I tell them (just like my mom told me), "This isn't the Taj Mahal." Oh and they are picky, PICKY, picky. If I make them anything that is not PB&J, cheese pizza, chicken nuggets or hot dogs, they look at me as though I threw up on their plates and asked them to consume it. Otherwise they will pick up a Cheeto off the floor at Wal Mart and put it in their mouth...WHAT is that?

Answer this? Why are children obsessed with being so wasteful? My daughter Aeryn took a bite out of all the apples in the fruit bowl while I wasn't watching and then put them back in the fruit bowl. She was really sneaky about it too. She arranged all of the apples so that the bite marks were hid and then when I went to make lunch for my husband I discovered all the apples were ruined. What the mess was that all about?

So yes, I am taking my daily breaks from the children. Today I took a water aerobics class and it was very relaxing. Guess what I talked about to the other ladies in my class? My kids of course.

Love them to pieces the little booger heads. Even if sometimes I feel like getting through a whole day without having to be committed to a mental institution is a small miracle.

"let it be?" Ugh...I guess so.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Ozzy Scares People at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum

Gotta love Ozzy! Saw this on the tv while I was working out the other day and thought it was downright hilarious.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things....Kitchen Edition

Tonight I was contemplating blog ideas when it hit me, actually something literally fell out the cabinet in the kitchen and hit me. My husband booby traps the cabinets but I really think he does it unintentionally. Anyway, I got the idea that I should review products that I try and like so as to pass on to you, the reader, my valuable opinion...LOL!

So, here goes...

1. Dawn Hand Renewal With Olay dish soap (for hands?).

First of all, I bought this because it said improves hand appearance in five uses. Here lately, my hands have started looking OLD. I was a skeptic at first but to my surprise it does improve hand appearance. My hands are much smoother to the touch and appearance. Now, how good does it work on dishes? Most of the time I wash all dishes in the dish washer but it does just fine on quick jobs in the sink. I give this product a thumbs up and a double whoot whoot for making my hands feel and look fabulous.

2. Duplin Scuppernong Wine...a product made in my favorite state North Carolina.

This wine is SWEET! Yes, literally it is sweet and crisp. You don't want to drink too much at once, but mix it with a little club soda and you have a nice sparkly beverage to drink (in moderation) at the end of a long day of hearding spawnlettes. I love Scuppernong grapes...yummy.

3. Near East Couscous

Thanks to my dear friend Chris, I now have tried and love the Near East brand Couscous. I do not like the Mediterranean Curry flavor, but that is the only one I had in the pantry to take a picture of. It does cook up in only five minutes and is very filling and healthy. I love the Garlic and Olive Oil version the best. Eat it up YUM.

4. Oscar Meyer Bun Length Angus Franks

Whats better than a regular hotdog? One made from Angus beef with no nitrates. Thanks to Oscar Meyer for making the "steak" of hotdogs. My bologna has a first's A N G U S. Seriously folks, I feel so much better about my kids eating an ANGUS hotdog than one of those crazy red looking ones.

5. Body Fortress Whey Protien

This is power for people who are trying to get in shape, such as myself. I love this stuff...and it does what it is supposed to. Helps repair my tired out muscles after working out...and I have been going hard. It tastes great, and gives me a little energy boost as well. As always consult your doctor before taking any performance enhancing products..

6. Chobani Greek Yogurt

Greek Yogurt is my new love. It is rich, creamy and full of good stuff. Go get some Chobani...indulge in the non-fat deliciousness that will make you forget Activa forever. Plus it is super healthy...SUPER. And I recommend the peach and strawberry banana flavors.

7. V8

OK, you have to ask? A whole serving of vegetables in a can...SOLD. I don't even need that Grey Goose to make it awesome, but as long as you are buying...cheers.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

1. Would you rather host party or simply attend a party?

Depends on what kind of party it is. I used to love having friends over for parties before I was married and had kids. Now that I have kids, It is hard for me to get motivated to host a party.

2. Tell us about the most memorable party you've been to.

Probably a party I had when my parents were out of town and there were hundreds of people in the house and in the yard. The police finally showed up THANK GOODNESS!

3. What is one thing you hope for in the after-life?

That God is merciful on me and that I get to spend eternity in heaven.

4. What do you enjoy most about sunshine?

That it is warm and provides light.

5. When you attend a bridal/baby shower, do you prefer to bring your own gift or chip in with others to buy a larger gift?

Bring my own gift, I like to pick out something meaningful or personal to the individual(s).

6. Would you rather have a FREE week of having your house cleaned or all of your meals cooked for you and your family?

House cleaning, hands down.

7. What song describes your mood today?

Boots and Boys by Ke$ha

8. What is something you received for your own bridal shower/wedding that you still own or use? (If you are not married, feel free to sub a gift you received a long time ago.)

Coffee Grinder

9. Your favorite flavor of ice cream is?

Black Cherry

10. When was the last time you felt "tested?"

My kids test me EVERY DAY!

11. "[Fill in the blank] is a food that once I start eating I find really hard to stop."


12. "-----" is the best motivation.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Disturbing Trends: Jort Diapers

Check out the newest trend in baby diapers, I call them Baby Jorts. Are you too lazy to buy your kid diapers AND pants? Does your husband have a confederate flag tattoo and drink Budweiser? Is denim next to Godliness? Then I have the perfect product for your kid. Huggies has come out with a new line of diapers that look like denim underwear.

Just when I thought jorts were out, leave it up to a cute baby to bring us back down to the deepest darkest hole at the bottom of fashion don'ts. When I was at Wal-mart last week I saw this new product and had to just stop in my tracks and think, WHAT THE MESS?

Then I also think that there are so many people out there that do not understand that denim shorts look terrible with work boots, or on large people, or paired with Cole Haan shoes no socks...I mean seriously, they don't look good on anyone. What's next? Faux denim Depends? Is granny going to rock a diaper jort and a I heart Florida t-shirt?

Huggies is advertising this product as available for a limited time only... wow, even they know that the jorts trend comes back every five years or so but NEVER stays popular for long.

Celebrating 20 Years

It's official, Graduation Fever has hit and as of yesterday It has been 20 *gasp* years since my graduation way back in 1990. No I have not been invited to my 20th year reunion and I doubt if I would go. My close friends from school and I keep in touch and I really do not feel the need to show off or prove myself socially to anyone else. However, I do have a lot of memories to share from that year but primarily I was happy to just graduate.

Probably one of the funniest memories from my graduation had to do with the senior banquet they held at church for our graduating class. Several of the adults did a "variety show" which was absolutely hilarious. My parents and their friends, the Clinards, did a few songs from The Mamas and The Papas which was just awesome. And if you can remember that The New Kids on The Block was popular back then (I did not listen to them btw) and imagine several senior adult men with sombreros on - singing "hanging tough" and doing the NKOB hand in the air waving back and forth. Yes, you really had to be there and some of you were! I still have a VHS copy of that. (remember VHS?)

When I was a senior, all of the traditions still held true. We had announcements, which was really a fancy request for money or a present, a large overnight senior party hosted by the school, and I did order a senior ring but later lost it at a pool party in 1992. Yes, I kept my tassel and still have it in a box full of high school memories that is in my attic. No, I never ever put it on my rear view mirror though. For some reason I just did not ever want dangly things hanging in my face while trying to drive.

What is a senior year without prom? I did go to my senior prom, but I went STAG with a group of girls who mostly did not have dates either. You see there was a certain friend of mine (K) who I had asked who had originally agreed but then backed out. I'm not really sure why but I think I know it was because dancing was frowned upon by adults who attended certain Christian churches that we associated with. I'd like to think that it really had nothing to do with me personally. He and I are still friends today after 25-26 years.

Another amazing time during my senior year was the trip that the marching band took to Disney World in Florida. I had been before with my parents but there is nothing like going on a trip like that when you are 17 without much adult supervision. Great memories of feeling like such an adult for those four-five days, budgeting my money and planning out activities, where I would go and all of the people I would see. Disney truly is a "magic kingdom".

And what would my senior year be like without the most notorious event ever? Unless I get alzheimers I will never forget day I set my car on fire with a cigarette. Note to anyone who smokes cigarettes, throwing your butts out the window not only litters the ground but also is dangerous. You can start a fire and sometimes it is in your own backseat. Fuel for my fire provided by my band uniform. I fear that I may NEVER live that down. Did I mention that it was actually MOM's car I set on fire?

Finally, graduation came on May 23rd 1990. Not sure until the last minute that I would walk, I scraped through by the skin of my teeth. I might have had a high D or low C average when I graduated. Not because I couldn't do the work but because I was not interested in doing it at all. This was the year I found out I had ADD. Of course I had it all along but it was undiagnosed.

Probably the best thing that came from that year was this knowledge that I wasn't "crazy, stupid or lazy" but that with the right tools I could go on to more successful times in my life. I was a long way from there in 1990 and I still have goals that were set back then that I haven't achieved yet. But I wouldn't change a thing, all that happened back then has made me who I am now.

So Happy 20th Anniversary to all of my high school friends who I still keep in touch with through FB or in real life. Amy Lewis Embler, Amy Gardner Nagy, Kelly Henne Thomas, Mike, Keenan and others. Cheers to us!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Random Dozen

1. What is one really fast, know-by-heart "go-to" meal to fix in a pinch?

Baked Spaghetti, brown a pound of beef or turkey, boil a package of whole wheat noodles, mix cooked noodles and a can of cream of mushroom soup together in a cass-a-role dish, drain ground meat and lay on top of noodles, then pour a jar of whatever sauce you prefer (we like Ragu), and top with shredded cheddar cheese. Bake at 350 until cheese is melted and bubbly.

2. What is one item you won't leave home without. (Purse and license do not count.)

My pink Kershaw

3. Where is one place you never tire of visiting?

The beach...I love the sun, surf and fruity drinks.

4. Share one factoid of your family's history.

My great grandmother Shelton was the first woman president of the Farm Bureau in Mississippi and she could hunt and fish with the best of the good ol boys.

5. Complete this sentence: "Once upon a time I ...."

was walking in the forest and came upon a village of hobbits. They gave me a gold ring and told me I needed to go to Mordor.

6. If you could win a one year's supply of anything, what would it be?

Groceries, it costs a fortune to feed four kids.

7. "One quirky thing you may not know about me is ...."

Just one, oh dear there are so many quirky things...I am queen of quirky. Sometimes I do this quirky little shake with my head that I don't know I am doing but other people see it and think it's funny.

8. You have one dollar in your pocket. What will you buy?

Any number of tasty things from the dollar menu at McDonald's?

9. "One thing that always makes me laugh is ...."

People who say prostate instead of prostrate.

10. What is one thing you could do today to help yourself reach a personal goal?

Not eat a late night snack.

11. What is one thing you could do today to bless someone else?

Go to the children's hospital and sit with a family who has a premature infant in the NICU. Share Zachary's story with them and offer prayers and positive blessings for the child's recovery.

12. What is one thing you're looking forward to soon?

Our beach trip with my family in July.

Month 2 - Getting Fit and Fab by the Fourth

It has been about five weeks since my husband and I joined The Rush fitness complex and I have committed myself to get back in shape. Originally I thought that the weight was just going to fall off...and that has not been the case. Despite my determination and dedication (I have only missed two days since joining, I have not seen a big difference in my weight when stepping on the scale. However, there are improvements and I should be proud of myself for getting up off my hind end and doing something for myself each day.

Following are some positive changes I can see: better posture, more energy, more muscle tone (you can really see it in my arms and shoulders), better attitude, and increased social interaction.

To begin with I feel much better, a little sore, but over all I am beginning to get my confidence back. There was a time when I had so much more confidence about myself. Over the years, several unfortunate events combined with toxic relationships and a lifestyle that can only be described as self-destructive, brought me way down. While I have been able to get my head back above water so to speak, I have still battled anxiety, depression and had an unhealthy attitude toward my body.

Some of my readers already know that I decided to go down a more holistic path towards healing my body and mind. I put down the pills, which were not helping me with my problems but only causing me to put them in a box and try to forget all of the hurt and sadness I was experiencing. Unfortunately not dealing with your issues, only makes them worse. Mistakenly I thought that I could handle all of this if I had the right combination of medicines. Boy, was I wrong.

Working out each day gives me time alone to reflect on my life. Surprisingly, it has also given me a chance to have some social interaction, which I have been depriving myself of for a long time now. A few weeks ago some friends of mine I have known for a long time joined up at the gym. It's nice being able to catch up with them and see their little boy and my kids playing together in the kid care. I have also met some other people, some only smile in passing and others who actually stop to speak. It is such a refreshing change for me after spending almost all day each day for about 5 years with my kids and very little face to face adult time.

My husband is being very supportive. Lately I have been very frustrated with not having lost at least five pounds. While I have changed my diet and been doing a ton of cardio, I have not seen the weight loss that I want. Shawn is quick to point out that I am looking better and getting results - even if the scale doesn't reflect that yet.

Over all I am still optimistic that I am going to look and feel wonderful for our beach trip in July. However, being honest with myself means that I need to realize that it may take a while for my transformation to be complete. Not being a patient person and especially now, I am on the verge of becoming obsessed with getting back in shape...accepting that it might be a longer time before I get what I want is not going to be easy.

Finally, my last thoughts for today's blog is that I need prayers, positive thoughts and blessings are needed for me to keep on the road to better health. I want to be stronger, mentally, physically and ultimately spiritually. If I can heal my mind, body and soul I will win my goal. Then I can focus on maintenance which is another subject entirely and we will cross that bridge hopefully when I get there.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Random Twelve

1. Please share one memory of your high school graduation. Pics would be great!

I remember my Mamaw and Papaw from Mississippi came to North Carolina (I think it was the last time they visited us because they don't travel). It was an honor to have them there. We went to eat Mexican food afterward.

2. What is one "emergency use" item you keep in your vehicle at all times?

My cell phone. Sorry all you no cell phone use in the car people, but I am going to call someone for help if I am in trouble. Ditto for if I see anyone else who needs help.

3. In your region, do you celebrate graduation open houses? Addendum: (If so,) how many open houses/bridal showers/weddings are on your upcoming events calendar?

I really try to minimize the number of "showers" I attend. Sad to say that I know I should enjoy stuff like this because I am a woman, but I shy away from them unless I really know the person being honored well. I don't have any of these types of events on my calendar.

4. Tell me one truth you believe about motherhood.

If you don't go crazy and strangle your children, you might be rewarded with grandchildren. I try to keep this in mind.

5. What was the last thing you broke?

Ugh, I broke one of my nice Noritake glasses that are discontinued. Guess I'll be hitting ebay to try and find a replacement.

6. On average, how many pieces of junk mail do you receive daily?

Honestly I cannot give a statistical report on this because junk mail goes directly in the recycle container.

7. Do you like to shop by catalog?

No but my mamaw's a sickness.

8. Is lawn maintenance at your house a "his job," a "her job" or "his/her job" or "that's why we have teenagers" job?

It's the one thing that is NOT my job. I don't care who does it, as long as it is not me.

9. Which room would you like to redecorate in your home?
The kids rooms.

10. Do you read a newspaper regularly, or do you read most of your news on line?

I get most news off the TV, not sure if it's really news, maybe more trash and useless knowledge.

11. Do you believe everything happens for a reason?

Yes, there is a plan.

12. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?

Probably doing the right things, if I do the right things the wrong way I can usually try to do them over or apologize for screwing them up. At least I can honestly say I tried and didn't give up or take the easy way out. I've never been what people would call a perfectionist.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Spicy Hibachi

Last week my husband and I decided to try the new Super Hibachi Buffet on South Main in High Point. As a rule, I generally do not like Chinese Buffets but since this Asian fare seemed to have more of a Japanese twist I decided to give it a try. With Zachary and Aeryn in tow, we set out for lunch noms at the restaurant I have now re-named the Super Hibachi Troth.

First, let me explain that there is one rule I follow in particular when eating out at Chinese/Asian/Japanese style buffets. Never eat anything fried if you do not know what it is. I have had some unpleasant experiences with this one and to this day I cannot tell you what it was that I put into my mouth, only that it came right back out post haste. It had bones, or teeth or something...whatever it was bit back.

So with this bad experience in mind, I approached the buffet area anticipating various versions of fried pieces of chicken (here kitty kitty) and a mass of large scary women fighting over crab legs. Which brings me to buffet rule number 2 - stay away from the crab leg area...unless you want to lose a limb. I am ashamed to report that I have witnessed grown people fight over crustaceans, and while it is kind of should avoid being in the middle of it. Think of the crab leg table as the mosh pit of the buffet.

This particular restaurant is one of those old Sizzlers that got converted, looks like a steakhouse on the outside. The inside was very clean and there were plenty of seats. Lunch is a good time to go, I have passed this restaurant in the evening and seen a line coming out of the door. That is usually a good sign that it is worth the $10.99 per person price at night. Lunch buffets are less crowded and also cost a little less. I didn't see any crab legs on the buffet during lunch so maybe they add it at dinner and that is why it is more expensive. Yes, you pay more to fight over crabs...LOL

So, my over all opinion of this particular dining experience was a good one. The kids had pizza, pudding, jello, ice cream and fruit. There was a lot of food for a lot of different tastes. Personally, I love sushi, and they had a whole table of many different kinds, mostly made with salmon, crab, eel or tuna. Since I am not a Sushi snob, I loved it. There was also a hibachi grill where you picked out what you wanted the hibachi cook to grill and then they prepared it. Very yummy.

Did I mention that this place has a ton of food? Salad bar, desert bar, ice cream freezer, these little square cakes, one bar had nothing but different rices on it, a bar of fried items (gag), all time favorites such as General Tso's chicken, Orange Chicken, Almond Chicken, Schezuan Beef, and Beef Broccoli. Spring Rolls, Egg Rolls, Wantons and even those Chinese donuts. I counted at least four different Asian soups too. Oh and if you don't like Chinese/Japanese food, they had chicken wings. This is why you feel like a pig at a troth eating at this place. There is more food than you should ever attempt to eat and most people have eyes bigger than their tummies...well except for this one guy sitting behind us.

After our bellies were full and our eyes glazing over to the point of "food coma" my husband and I both agreed we didn't need to even think about supper. But you know what they say about Chinese food, and so often it is true. A few hours later darn it if I wasn't hungry again...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Life...It is Spicy!

Welcome to The Spice, a blog dedicated to all things which make my life spicy. There are also days when life is not so sweet, but we all have our highs and lows and that also makes life interesting. If you are here looking to read about Sci-Fi, I apologize if the title of my blog misled you. I did get the idea for the name of my blog from the movie/book "Dune" but that is about as far as I want to dig into the subject of Sci-Fi for right now.

So, what is "the spice" of life? What makes your life "flow"? For me it is my children, my husband, mom, dad, brother and his family, friends both in real life and my large group of friends online. It's more than just the people in my life, it is current events, what is happening in my spiritual path, quirky things that just happen everyday that make me smile. There are a lot of quirky things, let me tell you...I myself have been called quirky. Oh and thanks to you people for trying not to hurt my feelings by just telling me that I am a weirdo or something. Quirky makes me sound so much cooler...don't you think?

Wednesday night my mother told me that a few of the Ladies from the church who I am friends with on Face Book were enjoying reading my posts and that I should be a professional writer. The truth is that is what I dreamed of being when I grew up. Now that I am a "grown up" I guess it's high time I started thinking about how to make that dream come true. Since most writers have a blog, I thought that naturally this is one of the things I should do. So thank you to the church ladies for your encouraging words...I hope you enjoy reading this blog.

So my question for today is what makes your life "spicy"? What is your "spice of life"? I know many of you will say that your family or your walk with God is your "spice", and that is wonderful. I'd also like to know some of the little things that you enjoy everyday. Here are a few random ones that just today made my life more spicy.

Working out today and having conversations with adults without being interrupted by children.
My kids wanting to give me kisses when I buckle their seat belts.
Quiet time.
Aeryn wearing her tiara in Walmart and waving at everyone.
Aeryn and Zachary waving at some random man while at the stoplight in traffic. "Hello random guy!"