Friday, May 7, 2010

Life...It is Spicy!

Welcome to The Spice, a blog dedicated to all things which make my life spicy. There are also days when life is not so sweet, but we all have our highs and lows and that also makes life interesting. If you are here looking to read about Sci-Fi, I apologize if the title of my blog misled you. I did get the idea for the name of my blog from the movie/book "Dune" but that is about as far as I want to dig into the subject of Sci-Fi for right now.

So, what is "the spice" of life? What makes your life "flow"? For me it is my children, my husband, mom, dad, brother and his family, friends both in real life and my large group of friends online. It's more than just the people in my life, it is current events, what is happening in my spiritual path, quirky things that just happen everyday that make me smile. There are a lot of quirky things, let me tell you...I myself have been called quirky. Oh and thanks to you people for trying not to hurt my feelings by just telling me that I am a weirdo or something. Quirky makes me sound so much cooler...don't you think?

Wednesday night my mother told me that a few of the Ladies from the church who I am friends with on Face Book were enjoying reading my posts and that I should be a professional writer. The truth is that is what I dreamed of being when I grew up. Now that I am a "grown up" I guess it's high time I started thinking about how to make that dream come true. Since most writers have a blog, I thought that naturally this is one of the things I should do. So thank you to the church ladies for your encouraging words...I hope you enjoy reading this blog.

So my question for today is what makes your life "spicy"? What is your "spice of life"? I know many of you will say that your family or your walk with God is your "spice", and that is wonderful. I'd also like to know some of the little things that you enjoy everyday. Here are a few random ones that just today made my life more spicy.

Working out today and having conversations with adults without being interrupted by children.
My kids wanting to give me kisses when I buckle their seat belts.
Quiet time.
Aeryn wearing her tiara in Walmart and waving at everyone.
Aeryn and Zachary waving at some random man while at the stoplight in traffic. "Hello random guy!"

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