Monday, May 24, 2010

Disturbing Trends: Jort Diapers

Check out the newest trend in baby diapers, I call them Baby Jorts. Are you too lazy to buy your kid diapers AND pants? Does your husband have a confederate flag tattoo and drink Budweiser? Is denim next to Godliness? Then I have the perfect product for your kid. Huggies has come out with a new line of diapers that look like denim underwear.

Just when I thought jorts were out, leave it up to a cute baby to bring us back down to the deepest darkest hole at the bottom of fashion don'ts. When I was at Wal-mart last week I saw this new product and had to just stop in my tracks and think, WHAT THE MESS?

Then I also think that there are so many people out there that do not understand that denim shorts look terrible with work boots, or on large people, or paired with Cole Haan shoes no socks...I mean seriously, they don't look good on anyone. What's next? Faux denim Depends? Is granny going to rock a diaper jort and a I heart Florida t-shirt?

Huggies is advertising this product as available for a limited time only... wow, even they know that the jorts trend comes back every five years or so but NEVER stays popular for long.

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