Wednesday, May 26, 2010

1. Would you rather host party or simply attend a party?

Depends on what kind of party it is. I used to love having friends over for parties before I was married and had kids. Now that I have kids, It is hard for me to get motivated to host a party.

2. Tell us about the most memorable party you've been to.

Probably a party I had when my parents were out of town and there were hundreds of people in the house and in the yard. The police finally showed up THANK GOODNESS!

3. What is one thing you hope for in the after-life?

That God is merciful on me and that I get to spend eternity in heaven.

4. What do you enjoy most about sunshine?

That it is warm and provides light.

5. When you attend a bridal/baby shower, do you prefer to bring your own gift or chip in with others to buy a larger gift?

Bring my own gift, I like to pick out something meaningful or personal to the individual(s).

6. Would you rather have a FREE week of having your house cleaned or all of your meals cooked for you and your family?

House cleaning, hands down.

7. What song describes your mood today?

Boots and Boys by Ke$ha

8. What is something you received for your own bridal shower/wedding that you still own or use? (If you are not married, feel free to sub a gift you received a long time ago.)

Coffee Grinder

9. Your favorite flavor of ice cream is?

Black Cherry

10. When was the last time you felt "tested?"

My kids test me EVERY DAY!

11. "[Fill in the blank] is a food that once I start eating I find really hard to stop."


12. "-----" is the best motivation.



  1. Definitely, I'd want someone to clean for me! I actually like hosting better than going to a party somewhere else- b/c then I don't have to worry about my kids running rampant through someone else's house- I'd rather have them run through mine!

  2. Yes having people over is way cool. If my kids break something in my house no big deal. Oh and I don't care if you wear shoes or get a stain on my floor... that is why there is wood laminate flooring and tile instead of carpet.
