Sunday, July 25, 2010

Is it FALL Yet?

Seriously dear readers, I hate this hot heat. Now that I am back from our summer vacation, I am completely over this season already. The only times in my life when I remember being this uncomfortable during the summer are when I was pregnant. Actually, the last time I think it was this hot was when I was pregnant with my last child. That was four years ago...and I ended up finishing that summer off in the Antipartum unit at Forsyth Medical Center. So, I guess I shouldn't complain too loudly because things could be worse...and nothing really stinks much worse than being laid up in the hospital.

Our vacation was GLORIOUS!!! I love love love North Myrtle Beach SC. We stayed at the Wyndham on Ocean Blvd. That place is huge. We were on the first floor, ocean front and the infinity pool was right beside our room. The weather was a little iffy - it rained most every afternoon. However, we got plenty of fun in the SC sun in for the week.

Now, my parents have been in this timeshare thing for years and years already. This is the fourth year that we have spent at the N. Myrtle property. They are GOLD members, whatever that means. They have to go and sit in some kind of meeting every year and try not to spend more money. This year, thank goodness, they didn't buy into the whole new property scheme. BUT they did get six free adult tickets to Ripley's Aquarium, so guess where we went for a family outing?

The day we went to the aquarium, it was hot and threatening thunderstorms. The line to get tickets was very long. We had to get tickets for the kids before we went in and so started the waiting in line. OMG I forgot how much I hate lines and strangers....lots and lots of strangers.

After about 30 minutes we finally get to enter the Aquarium. This place is large and it was wall to wall people in lines everywhere. I could already tell that this was going to be very difficult. I will tell you that I did manage to get through it but I was constantly worried that I was going to lose one of the kids. Several of the areas where we had to walk were very dark and it was hard to see at times.

It has been a while since I have had to deal with "the public" and I had forgotten how many rude people are just walking the earth needing me to smack them. There was this one jerk who got irritated because people were taking pictures of their kids in front of the the fish exhibits. He actually said (I am censoring for those of you with sensitive ears like myself) "F-ing people taking F-ing pictures, I don't care...I push them F-ing out of the way." Of course he said this when passing me and I was one of the "F-ing" picture takers. Oh my word, I wanted to tell him that if that kind of thing annoyed him that he was for sure in the wrong place. You don't go to a tourist attraction and expect people to not be taking pictures of their children. Sure he meant for me to hear it passive aggressive is that?

Despite having to stand behind this one lady who was filming the jelly fish for about five minutes and wouldn't move out of my kids way, a guy who kept encroaching into my personal space while we were standing on the moving sidewalk, and having to literally drag my kids through a gigantic gift store full of flashy noisy things because that is the way you have to go to get to the exit, I really enjoyed the whole Aquarium attraction. That being said, I will never go back during the busy summer season if ever again.

Now that I am back home, and have been for a week now...By the way, I would have written this blog sooner but our whole house got sick with a mysterious sinus cold that thankfully came after our trip and not before. So, I have been hot, sick and super ready for the leaves to turn red and gold and start falling off the trees. Bring on the Fall....Bring it!

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