Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well here we are and another Thanksgiving is about to wrap up and now we are going to dive into the Christmas season head on.  Some of us will be up early to find the best door busters at Walmart or Target, some of us will sleep late and enjoy a long weekend and still others will have to trudge back to the workplace tomorrow to complete the work week.  Whatever your plans, it is now the official kickoff of Christmas and Hanukkah otherwise known as the "holidays" and as always, I am just as excited as if I were still a kid.

This year we decided to have Thanksgiving at my brother's house with my parents, my sister IL's parents and brother and her siser IL, plus all the kiddos.  My brother made his first turkey and it was one of the best I've ever tasted...juicy and full of flavor.  We did the mid-day Thanksgiving meal and by 3:30pm my hubby and the kids were back home and sacked out in front of the TV.  I finally had to give it up and take a short nap after all of the turkey enzymes kicked in.

Thanksgiving this year has been more than just Turkey and hanging out with my family.  Each day I have tried to reflect on the important things in my life and I have chronicled them in my Facebook status updates.  Some of these things have been the obvious things that all of us tend to be thankful for like family and friends and other things have been less obvious or maybe things that we take for granted because they are so common such as clean water.  Big and small there are so many things I have been blessed with and I think that a little part of each and every day should be dedicated to giving thanks for those things.  Thanksgiving should not be limited to one time every year.

This year I have been blessed with the gift of healing, not of my physical body but of my "heart".  I feel that my heart has been changed in such an amazing way and that my spirit has been lifted up to a new place.  There is an awakening in my spiritual life that each day is being strengthened.  There have been positive influences that have been put in my path as well as new connections with other believers who have had similar experiences in there life journey as I have had.  That feeling of not being alone in my struggles has been encouraging and I am so happy that God has put those people in my path.

One of the most important things I have learned is that I don't have to live a life based on what has happened in the past.  I am more than the poor choices I have made in the past.  What I can be in the future is so much more than all of that because I am constantly renewed.  What a blessing to be forgiven and live in the light as opposed to the desperation of darkness that can often overcome one's life when you don't seek the light.  Also a live lived in fear and doubt is not much of a life so I am seeking to overcome weakness that comes with those toxic elements.

As the day comes to an end I just want to give thanks once again for my family, friends and all that I have been blessed with.  This year I feel loved and have more love to give than I remember ever having.  I'm looking forward to the holidays with the anticipation of opportunity to share more special time with my kids, my husband, parents and close friends.  Also I am looking forward to connecting in the spiritual sense with others and yes also with the Lord.  I feel him making a real difference in my life and that truly is a reason to celebrate.

Happy Holidays to everyone, may your prayers be answered and your blessings be many.  May the light shine in your path and the darkness shrink away.  And let love be your answer, because love is of God and to know love is also to know him.  God is love...God is love...

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