Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday Wickedness

From a new meme called Wednesday Wickedness...check it!

"Hi and welcome to Wednesday Wickedness. We are like other memes in that we will ask you ten questions each and every Wednesday. But our little "twist" is that each week we will pick a famous person and pick ten of their quotes. Each of our questions will be based on the quotes. Got it? Great! Let's begin this week's meme!"

Today we picked Frank Sinatra. Here's Wednesday Wickedness!

1. “I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.” How often do you drink alcohol? Dr. Oz says that it is good to drink a glass of any type of alcohol every day because the ethanol is good for you. That being said, I have a hard time just having one drink so maybe every day is not the best. However, I do enjoy glass or two of wine three or so times a week. ;-)

2. “The best revenge is massive success.” Have you ever gloated or wanted to over success? Why yes, I have gloated over successes. However, I believe the best revenge is to be left up to God or the universe or whatever. Kharma is a what? You know that's right!

3. “You gotta love livin', baby, 'cause dyin' is a pain in the [butt].” What do enjoy most about your life? I love my husband, my children, my family, my friends, good food, good drink and being spiritually filled. That being said, I live life as if each day might be the very last. Always making sure to tell the one's I love that I love them and doing my best never to go to bed angry.

4. “I'm not one of those complicated, mixed-up cats. I'm not looking for the secret to life.... I just go on from day to day, taking what comes.” Do you ever overthink a situation in your life?
I could have not said it better...I am not complicated at all. However, I think there are times when I actually get stuck on a situation and fall into the trap of obsessing over a problem. However, I am striving to let things go...and not get so uptight about stuff. Everything will pass.

5. “I would like to be remembered as a man who had a wonderful time living life, a man who had good friends, fine family - and I don't think I could ask for anything more than that, actually.” Tell us about your best friend. I actually have several people I consider to be "best friends". My husband, my friend since jr. high, Amy, and my mom round out the top three...not in any particular order...LOL. Something similar about all of my best friends is that they are all strong figures in my life...people who I look up to and admire. They know me and love me for who I am and we all laugh and cry together on a regular basis. Also people who I can tell just about anything in most cases without feeling judged. There are a few other people who I consider best friends or life long friends and you know who you are and this applies to those people as well.

6. “I like intelligent women. When you go out, it shouldn't be a staring contest.” How important is intelligence when picking (or having picked) a s/o to you? Very important...but lets not confuse being a nerd with being smart. You don't have to be a rocket scientist but it is nice to be able to enjoy an intellectual conversation IMO. I hate it when people try to talk over my head as well. It is the well rounded individual who impresses me more than simply having brains. Plus, it helps if they are charming and handsome...LOL.

7. “I drink to the confusion of our enemies.” What's the closest situation that you've had to dealing with an enemy? There are too many times I have had confrontations in my life... Once I slapped a girl in fifth grade who would not let me use the crayons. That being said, I have a short temper and do not deal well with angry people.

8. “Orange is the happiest color.” What's your favorite color? Well it is not orange...LOL. I like red, black, purple and blue.

9. “Dare to wear the foolish clown face.” Are you ever a clown? No way...clowns are scary. Have you ever seen "It"?

10. “Don't get even, get mad.” Have you ever tried getting even? It's better to let people reep what they sow. Most of the time they will get back way more than I can ever dish out.

Thanks for checking out our Wednesday craziness. We hope you join us again. Please visit our other player's posts and make a comment. Join us next week for our next meme!

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