Monday, June 7, 2010

Getting to Know You

Getting to know YOU

1. If a person has a booger in their nose. and you can see it, do you tell them? If it were a close friend or family member yes. If it is a random someone no.
2. What are you passionate about? Life, I like to live each day as passionately as possible.
3. How long have you been blogging? I've been writing first on Myspace and then Facebook for several years. Now I have this blog which has only been up for about a month.
4. What is your favorite "summer" drink? Well most of the time I drink water, especially during the summer because it is important to stay hydrated. Of course a cold beer is nice every once in a while.
5. What is your favorite type of music? Rock and especially electric guitar.
6. Something I do before I go to bed is......? Kiss my husband goodnight.
7. My Summer vacation plans are...? Going to the beach in JULY and it can't get here fast enough.
8. My favorite must have, can't live without, beauty product is? Lipstick

1 comment:

  1. Hi MD-
    My name is Janera Jepson and I host the new Wednesday meme Wednesday Wickedness ( Don't let the name throw you. We are a family oriented meme that's similar to Linda's Random Dozen. We base our questions each week on quotes from someone famous. This week is Frank Sinatra. Since Linda is taking time off I thought I'd invite you to play during the hiatus. We always post on Tuesdays (we're up now!) so players can play on either day. We hope that you will join us! :)

