Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy Cinco de Mayo

Today is Cinco de Mayo...a day when we give thanks to the Mexicans for tequila and burritos. Of course I am kidding, I have no idea why we celebrate Cinco de Mayo unless I Google it and then I could tell you about the battle between the French and the Mexicans. I don't care to do that since this is not a post about history. Actually, I just need a reason to write today. Why do I need a reason to write today? Mostly because I wanted to follow up on my last post, I said I was going to write more and then we changed cable providers. What happened after that was neither of my notebooks would connect to the internet and I only had my kindle fire which is great for reading and not so great for writing. My husband and I went over the idea of fixing the old notebooks so we could use them and we probably will eventually, but I wanted an iPad. Finally, yesterday for my birthday which is next month I got my iPad. Guess I don't have an excuse not to write. I have actually been looking forward to putting more into my writing. For most of my life I have wanted to write and make money writing. For a variety of reasons I have stifled my creativity and not made use of my talents. As I mentioned, next month is my birthday. It is my 40th birthday an I have decided that it is now or never. I either need to get some good ideas written or I need to give up my dream. Guess what? I am deciding not to give up my dream. First I need to find out what I would like to write about? Fiction, non-fiction...action, drama, comedy, romance, science-fiction. There are so many options that just figuring out what I would be best at is going to be a large task. Also I have to commit to this just like I would commit to any other job. I need to set up an office where I am comfortable and distractions are at a minimum. Each day I need to spend a certain amount of time working. Currently, I am reading some books about writing. That sounds funny but I think that there is something to be said for those who have experience and mentoring. My access to other writers is simply that of reading books and seeing what is out there already. Coming up with something original is going to be another difficult task. That is where I am calling upon my creativity for sparks that hopefully will turn into full blown Bon fires.