Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Lack of Postivation

Yeah, I have been in a funk for a while and thus the lack of "postivation" which is a word I just made up.  Use it  if you like, I'm not going to try to own it or anything.  But for reals, I have been in such a mood that I have not had a whole lot to shout out about or rant over...even real life has been so mundane that I find myself searching for a dull spork to gouge my own eyeballs out with.

Yes, I love to write and converse over current events, but given that I have only a few lame topics to choose from I have found myself quite bored.  So...in light of the recent snoozfest I am going to compile a list of not so newsworthy commentary...just because I am bored and I need something to do right now.

Lindsay Lohan...what a sad sad train wreck she has made herself...we can't look away though, mostly because this is considered NEWS and is getting her share of coverage.  Crazy thing is she gets worse as the weeks go by.  She supposedly stole a necklace...what's up with that?  Is she a glutton for imprisonment?  I think so.

Charlie Sheen...prostitutes, drugs, weird ramblings....it's a matter of time before that last brain cell burns out...so glad they took those boys out of his house until he gets serious about his recovery and starts acting like he isn't from another planet.

Quadaffi....give it up already...nobody likes you...and you make no sense when you speak.  Not sure that the alternative to no Quadaffi is going to be super awesome. Those middle eastern people never get along...just sayin'.  I'm not even sure I am spelling his name right...just that I have seen enough to know here is another person who clearly is not in their right mind...which is also a common thread among leaders in the middle east evidently.

Um...gas prices...what the heck?  I am not understanding this at all...I think it is wholly fear based around what is going on in the middle east.  Lets get everyone all freaked out about gas prices...rich getting richer every day and people have lost their jobs, not getting raises, losing their homes.  And from what I can tell, nothing is being done about this.

Oscars...who saw The Kings Speech?  I didn't...and not going to either.  Dinner with Schmucks was the best movie I saw last year...and Tron (the new one) in 3D was awesome.  This Academy thing must be made up of a lot of old farts who don't go to the movies a lot.  Oh and I probably won't see that Swan movie either..even though Natalie Portman is very pretty..

So, this past week has been kind of borish...but somehow I am making it. Missed the guys on Idol tonight because we were watching some weird movie my husband selected off of Netflix.  Eventually I will get through the week but for now I think I need to get some rest and try not to think about anything too serious.