Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday Minute

*Favorite 80s flick?
"The Outsiders"

*One genre of music needs to be banned. Which genre?
Banned, isn't that a little harsh? I don't like Kidz Bop, so if I have to pick - I pick Kidz Bop.

*All time favorite candy?

*How 'flawed' is your driving record?
No points

*What was high school mascot?
Um, Bulldogs, Bison and Tigers (I went to three different high schools)

and finally

What color socks are you wearing?
I'm not wearing any.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Yeah, It Pours...

You know the old saying that "When it rains, it pours"...meaning that when you have bad luck, you have really bad luck. Well, I believe that can be applied to the terrible couple of weeks I have been having. First I was sick, after we came home from the beach, then we realized we were going to be behind on several large bills. I made arrangements for those bills, realizing that we were going to barely scrape by this month and then Sunday a week ago my car stops running. That's when I knew comes the rain.

Thank goodness my car wasn't a difficult fix and it helps to have family close by who are willing to step up. But as soon as I started feeling a sense of relief, the A/C in the house stops working. All I can think is what the mess? Another hot hot hot week and we don't have anything but fans, which do little to alleviate the humidity. Add to it, I think I am getting sick again.

We called in the A/C repairman who says we will probably need to replace the whole unit. That's going to cost a lot of money, which we do not have right now. Our credit isn't so hot since we have been behind on bills so we won't be financing anything either. What I think might have to happen is for us to get a window unit until we can save up the money for a new A/C which will need to be replaced before the winter so we can also run the heat pump. Otherwise we will have to use the wood stove.

It's times like these I get very discouraged and I wonder...what next? My marriage and relationships with my kids suffer. I feel like I am just barely holding it together. It's also very difficult to let go and put it all in the Lord's hands, that he is going to take care of us just like he has in the past. Somehow we always find our way through hard times and I don't believe that we do it all alone. It's times like these I feel the need to lift up prayers for my own patience and sanity so that I may make it through these rough patches.

That doesn't mean that I can just sit back and do nothing. As a matter of fact I think that doing nothing is unhealthy and only worsens the problems with feeling helpless and depressed. I need to actively search for opportunities to help myself. Feel free to send prayers and blessings our way, and if you know of anyone who has a working window unit they would like to donate or sell for a low price, by all means let me know.